Tuesday 31 May 2011

The six week scan

We had our six week scan two weeks ago.  I am so grateful that they do this for IVF babies because I'm not sure I could have waited 8 weeks like most people have to!  I was hopeful but a little nervous right before we set off, anxious to know that there was a real baby and that it wasn't ectopic.  Having IVF I've had a lot of ultrasound scans (both internal and external) and have seen my uterus a number of times but this would be the first time that we'd see a baby there!

I was so relieved when we saw the pregnancy sack on the screen and saw the tiny heartbeat.  I thought I'd be more suprised when the sonographer then showed us the second baby and tiny heartbeat! Twins!  We had been praying for both embryos since we knew they existed so it didn't seem that suprising to find out that God had answered our prayers for them.  The hospital staff however were suprised by this, UK advice is that only one embryo is replaced at the time both the doctor and embryologist were very happy to replace both, not expecting both to implant and grow!

 The grey smudge at the bottom of the black space on the right we were told was the yolk sack and at the very bottom of the grey smudge is the baby.  You can't see the second baby in this pic.
 This is the giant file of notes we have managed to accumulate over the past four and a half years.

Now we just have to wait a couple of weeks to meet with our midwife.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Amazing grace

Not only has God been gracious in giving us this pregnancy but so far I feel pretty well!  Praise God!

Monday 16 May 2011

They that wait on the LORD - will be amazed!

The picture tells the story of the past few weeks but just to fill you in...

Two weeks last Wednesday was the end of our two week wait.  I had felt pretty rough on the Monday, usual pre menstual symptoms and experienced a fair bit of pain on the Tuesday, even took pain killers so I was pretty convinced that the IVF had been unsucessful, though I'd been pretty hopeful before that.  I got up on the Wednesday and did the test anyway since the hospital ask you to even if you begin to bleed.  I watched the pink woosh across and form the line as usual... then a second line started to appear!  Very faint at first, I got the instructions back out of the bin, the picture showed even a faint line was a positive!  I shouted my husband and said 'I think there might be two lines!'  We couldn't believe it so he went out and bought two new tests - both positive!!!

We have spent so long imagining that moment we could hardly believe it!  Praise God!

Now another two week wait for a scan to check that everything is progressing as it should be.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Mothers day

Mothers day in the UK was a while ago but I understand it is this Sunday in the USA.  This is a great gospel centred article on Mothers day.  Mothers day can be tough, not just for infertile women but for single women who long for a family too, this is a great way to look at our situations and I can testify that what Wendy describes has been the same lesson the Lord has taught... and is still teaching me.