Friday, 14 January 2011

Discipline and the goodness of God

So the initial energy of the new year has waned already and I am now learning about discipline, keeping on going when its tough because it is good and right to do so!

I've been reminded recently of the reality that time with God and in his word is not just good, it's vital!  Actual food for my soul, without it I'll become weak, ill and without his sustaining power I can't survive.  My life should not be built around squeezing in time with Him but on the knowledge that my whole life is to be found in him.  This changes the way I approach him, it become, as it should be about complete surrender and utter dependance on him.  

The fact is the neccesity for time with God, my utter need of him is no more true as I struggle with infertility than it was before, it's simply that (in this area at least) my illusion of control is taken away - This is a hard but VERY good thing!

As someone more scientifically inclined I am not much of a reader, I enjoy it (if it's a good book) but it requires some effort.  Since reading books takes me a while I tend to exclusively read Christian books, I figure it is the most fruitful use of that time. I have found that there is a directly proportional relationship between how much I read and how well I seem to be doing emotionally and mentally.  It helps me with perspective and helps me to consider things in light of the truth I am learning.

I've been reading a great book for the past couple of weeks called 'Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches'
by Russell D. Moore

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