Thursday, 3 March 2011

The lens of infertility

Some visitors to this blog may be wondering why so few of the posts seem to actually be about infertility since I set this up to both process my own thoughts and to share my experiences in the hope that I might be able to help others in my situation or those with friends suffering infertility. I guess my answer would be that all of those posts have in some way been influenced by our infertility. It's like when you are thinking of buying a new car, say a blue Ford, there seems to be way more blue Fords on the road than before, you hear more people talking about blue Fords, in reality, things are the same as they were before, it's just you notice more blue Fords because they are on your mind. It's the same way with infertility. It seems like EVERYONE around you is pregnant for starters (I'm in a lull at the moment after the past 3 years of most of my friends having their children *I take that back, I realised I have 5 currently pregnant friends!*) and dealing with that is another post. But it's more than that, it seems that lots of the teaching I hear, what I read all speaks to me about our situation, not least my understanding of God and how it has grown over the past five years. I've called this post the lens of infertility because at first it felt like everything was coloured by that, but I'd like to think that those lenses have been replaced by gospel lenses. I don't view the gospel through my infertility, rather I view infertility (and the rest of life) through the lens of the gospel. Without gospel lenses I can't see clearly and any other lenses only further distort reality. The closer I get to Jesus, the more time I spend in the word the clearer that lens becomes. Thank you Jesus for enabling me to see more clearly.

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