Monday, 1 September 2014
Bitter sweet
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Should Christians use reproductive technologies?
Monday, 18 February 2013
Out of a woman's heart
"There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him."
I've seen in my my thoughts and actions recently attitudes that look nothing like Jesus. Aren't we supposed to look more like him as we mature, I most certainly feel less like him than ever. How is this possible, has the sleep deprivation and the exhaustion of motherhood caused this? No. Jesus tells me that it comes from within me, out of my heart. These attitudes, the propensity for bitterness, selfishness, jealousy are all there in my heart, my circumstance merely provides the opportunity for them to surface. The fact that I hadn't expected it probably just shows that I still haven't comprehended the extent of my own sinfulness. But the more I see my sin, the more I realise my need for grace and the sweeter the gospel becomes. I have been trying to operate too much in my own strength, how could I forget so quickly that apart from him I can do nothing.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Where hope is found.
It's funny how now as a mother of 14 month old twins I find myself having to be reminded of the same lessons that I learned during those six years of infertility. It's the times when we feel hard pressed that I find we either drift or press into The Lord and I hope that I can do the latter. I am struggling now. Of course outwardly it is very different than before but the reality is the same as before. The question is this "do I really know and believe that God is truly good and does good?" Do I really trust what Romans 8 tells me?
If I had to sum up the past 14 months in one word it would be this: hard. It has been incredibly hard. It has got easier and now feels manageable but there were times (long periods of time) when I felt overwhelmed and didn't know how I could keep going (mostly due to the severe sleep deprivation!). Some of those old questions about the goodness of Gods plan have been revealed again in me over the past couple of weeks since some of my friends have had babies. I am so happy for them but spending time around them and seeing them able to enjoy those early weeks has actually been really hard. I know that this is simply evidence of the pride and self centredness in my own heart. I have felt a mixture of jealousy and guilt. Guilt that I feel jealous! God has been so gracious to me, how could I even for a second think his gifts to me aren't the best!
I am grateful that God is revealing my heart to me and I pray that he will change it. Working things like this through with him is so much harder now than during infertility. I never would have imagined that but it is most certainly the case. the times with the Lord that would really impact on my life were those times when I would withdraw, just him and me, devoting time to just sit in his presence. That now seems impossible but thank God that he still speaks in all circumstance regardless of me! It's a good job he gave me those six years as I definitely would not have been prepared for this without them.
The gospel is the answer to my current struggles just as it was the answer when I so desperately wanted to be a mother. Thank you Lord for your gospel of grace, please help me show grace to others.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Simply to the cross I cling
Thursday, 22 December 2011
The twins have arrived
The twins are now a week old. Their arrival has hit us like a ton of bricks. Of course I keep looking at them and pinching myself and thanking God for his graciousness but this is by far and without doubt the hardest thing me and my husband have ever faced. I did not know that the human body could survive on such small amounts of sleep. Then there is the worrying. Our babies have had a few issues which have made it worse. Trusting God has never been so tangibly necessary or harder to do being so tired. So far my husband and I have not had our mini breakdowns at the same time so we have been able to support one another, reminding each other of our progressive sanctification and what God might be teaching us.
We have needed a lot of help, this has been good for killing pride, I look a mess and have had to admit I can't do this alone. I have been particularly overwhelmed by the support of a friend who has twins and is pregnant again. She has been checking in on me daily and has been offering advice reassurance and encouragement. She even offered to come overnight to help. I had no idea how hard it was for them when they had twins, I didn't stop to think. I was most likely thinking about myself wishing I was in their position. It's true Gods timing is perfect, there is no way we had the spiritual maturity to be parents of twins before infertility. So I've had to repent to God and maybe to people about my attitude when others had babies. I did not do Philippians 2. I did not support them well and I even judged some for finding it so hard and not seeming to appreciate it enough. This is to my shame.
Tonight has been better, no doubt because of the Lord responding to our prayers and the prayers of our Christian community. I currently have 2 sleeping babies laying on my knee in bed after a 4 am snack for them and daddy is thankfully sleeping too as he has been generously been taking the settling down, nappy change and top up feeding shifts and letting me get some sleep for an hour or so while he deals with the screaming.
Thank you Jesus for these boys and thank you for your work of making us more like you. way